Monday, February 4, 2008

the last two days we've had 30 mm of rain


In the last two days we've had 30 mm of rain (> 1 inch) - WONDERFUL!

Today it has been overcast and feels cold outside - 70 degrees :}!

Jerry has one more morning of bulldozing to do before we take him and Louise
to town to catch their Thursday flight - so far he's done over 7 km of
bulldozing - it has been a big blessing! It is good to have them here.

Stirling as far as we know made it to Cavango. The MAF plane flew over
Cavango on Sunday and reported seeing his vehicle there so that's good news!
We'll have to wait for his return to hear the details.

The last Sunday at the Tchimbolelo preaching point there were only 10 people
- mostly children. We are going to move the preaching point closer to the
villages. There are 3 other preaching points that we haven't visited in a
long while due to lack of staff - we'd like to choose one of those sites -
pray for wisdom to know which one - Ondjinwa, Imbondwe, Yandja.

Peter, Shelley and Sheila came for the long weekend (today is a holiday) and
Meghan has been having riding lessons with Aunty Shelley! It has been great
to have Sheila back!

Pray for safety as we (Meghan, Latimers, Duplantis', Sheila and I) travel
to town tomorrow - it promises to be muddy - yippee!

In Christ,
Donna for all of us!

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