Monday, November 19, 2007

This day is not going as planned!

This day is not going as planned! The plan was school for the children and
I; Stirling left early this morning to take meat to Lubango, BUT . . . .

The foreman brought word that a woman who had miscarried on Thursday started
bleeding more heavily during the weekend and even more this morning so now
I'll be taking her to the main road where Stirling will meet me.

We borrowed Steve's Ford pickup to bring the freezer this past weekend.
When Stirling came with the freezer on the weekend he was unable to find
fuel in town so didn't come with a truck full of fuel. Even though he put
fuel in here at Tchincombe he didn't put enough not being familiar with the
truck and so ran out of fuel on his way into town! So he got there at noon
instead of 9:30! Now he'll have to drive right back to meet me halfway
where he'll receive the patient and continue on back into town. I'll return
to Tchincombe. Jeffrey, Matt (a friend from town visiting) and Meghan will
stay with our housekeeper.

A cow died calving and so the calf was brought here to the house where
we've given him colostrum that we had frozen for just such occasions. The
cow was thin and weak because rains were delayed.

Mena and Zeferino's child, Kamati, returned from the catholic hospital and
seems no better than he was!! They said he was positive for malaria and
treated him as such. He looks like the classic photo of a starving child -
he's been so sick he's not been eating.

PRAY for Hopete and his wife that she won't bleed so much on the trip to
Lubango - we'll be taking her to the CEML.

PRAY for Kamati that he'll have the desire to eat and gain strength. Pray
for Mena and Zeferino not to be so discouraged that they give up!

Pray for Stirling and I as we travel back and forth - we've both been up
since 4 AM.

Pray for the kids as they stay here. I'll only be gone 4 or 5 hours but I
still don't like to leave them! Last night there was a snake in the
bathroom (a window had been left open in the house). This morning there was
another snake outside the feed room!
With the rain comes the good, the bad, and the ugly - there have been
beautiful sunbirds and swallows, not to mention gorgeous sunsets but there
also bugs of every shape and description and of course, snakes!

Our dear friend Gary Toews who is with MAF and just left for Canada for home
assignment is having bypass surgery right now as I write. Pray for he and

THANKS for praying!
Donna for all of us!

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