Friday, May 23, 2008

Last week as Stirling said gives new meaning to ‘a wretched night’.

Greetings from Tchincombe!

We are basically doing well. A little tired! Last week as Stirling said gives new meaning to ‘a wretched night’. The 12-24 hour ‘run to the loo’ flu ran through all of us during the course of the week! It seems that the 12 or 24 depended on age! The young folk got the 12 hour but Stir and I had the 24 hour. Always starting at around 11 PM – Meghan was first Sun night, Stirling Thurs to Fri, Jeff and Matt Fri night, and yours truly Sat to Sun – no fun! But we have all been healthy this week just a little tired.

Wanted to remind you that this is the last weekend in the month – tomorrow we go to Imbondwe. Brent will be heading up games and skits with young people in the afternoon, Jesus film in the evening and then church on Sunday morning. Please pray. Kandendele’s parents recovered from their illnesses – thanks for praying!!!

As we show the Jesus film we will be stopping periodically to explain things and see if there are any questions. The film is in Portuguese and most people speak only Olungambwe. We have been in touch with the Jesus film people about getting it translated. Please pray for Peter Ritchie (Canadian SIMer who’s on home assignment) as he interacts with the Jesus film organization about this translation.

Stirling and the UIEA church leadership have been filling out loan applications to get a loan for the fencing. It seems like such a big step. Pray!

Ongoing Requests:

  • for the extra funds for the transport on the vehicle
  • support, outgoing expenses for Fox family – and also for their encouragement! (Lawrence, Cynthia, Dylan, Megan, Garrett, and Melanie)
  • Verhoefs are soon on their way to Portugal for a year before coming to Angola – they will do language and Bible school

THANK YOU so much standing with us!



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