Thursday, December 27, 2007

Greetings again from a DRY and hot Tchincombe!

Dear All,

Greetings again from a DRY and hot Tchincombe! We've had no rain in the
last 3 weeks - grass is stopped in its tracks in terms of growth. If it
doesn't rain soon we will need to start making plans to sell animals!

We had a great holiday with Steve, Peggy, Rachel, Rob, Shelley, Peter,
Jasper and our good friend, Brent. Lots of good food, lots of flying of
model airplanes and lots of laughter!

We usually go to the beach for New Year's and my birthday but with all the
travels lately, the weather situation, and no pastor for the church we'll
stay here for the New Year holiday. We'll try and go to the beach on the
weekend 5-7th.

In Lubango on the 8th the UIEA will have its monthly meeting. There are
financial issues to be discussed and reviewed so please pray for wisdom for

January 10 - 16 will be our evangelism/missions conference. Pray for Pastor
Dinho has he leads/teaches and that the Believers here will catch a vision
for the other unreached people groups in Angola.

THANKS so much for praying!! Thanks so much for your words and e-mails of
encouragement at the death of our dear friend. Please continue to pray for
her husband, Fernando, these will be very difficult days for him!

Our 4X4 shipped on 4 December - we've just received the balance due on the
vehicle = 5339 pounds = $11,000. Pray!

In Him,
Donna for all of us!

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