Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings from Namibia and what an adventure we had getting here! I thought of sending you an e-mail before starting our journey but things were in such a rush that I didn’t get a chance but it would have been comforting to know you were praying!
We were to cross at a different border post than usual because our normal post is inaccessible because of impassable roads. So we set the GPS to the route we call Tchincombe to International border BUT we forgot that international border WAS NOT Rua Cana which was where we wanted to cross but Epupa Falls where there is actually no border post!
We got away only at 9 AM Saturday morning as I (Donna) had done a meat run to town on Friday and got back only at 10 PM. So Saturday morning we headed off and went left at Kahama following the GPS route – by late afternoon we were nowhere near our destination and Stir thought it was taking longer than it should but we still hadn’t twigged to the exact problem – so we set up camp (had brought all camping equipment) in the middle of nowhere, had a meager supper – we were planning on sleeping not in the bush but in civilization on other side of border!! We were asleep by 7 PM.
Up at 4:00AM and by 11 AM it clicked with Stirling what was happening – fortunately we didn’t go to Epupa falls but the 150 miles we went west we had to come back east and only got across the border at 4 PM. The most stressful moment came when we came to a river crossing (usually dry river bed) BUT the river was running!! Fortunately there was a rocky bottom and the Land Rover plowed right through!
The drive was actually VERY beautiful and we could enjoy it because the road was so bad we were going slowly. Actually saw 2 plum colored starlings – a very rare sighting!
We enjoyed Jeffrey’s birthday at a friends’ guest farm – he is always thrilled when we visit Schoenfeld – we all enjoy visiting our friends there.
We are now in Windhoek and will be shopping for the farm and ourselves!
Please pray for Kandendele’s parents – they live at Imbondwe where we have started the new preaching point. They have been quite sick with vomiting and diarrhea. Pray for health – pray for them to not be afraid – such illness brings lots of fear and they don’t know yet know the One who can take away fear!!!
Please also continue to pray for the Fox family – monthly support needs and one-time outgoing needs! We desperately need them at Tchincombe! We are wearing thin! If you know of someone who’s recently gotten involved with missions and would like to support a family let us know or contact SIM to get support info for the Foxes!
As always pray for the leadership team at Tchincombe while we are away!
Thanks for standing in the gap!
Donna for all of us!
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