Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The weekend went VERY WELL!

Dear Prayer Warriors,

The weekend went VERY WELL! There were over 100 people for the service! We
did have rain on Saturday night and could only show a portion of the Jesus
film but it was a beginning. Stirling preached a good message - pray that
the words of scripture will stick in people's minds.

PRAISE - the satellite internet system is installed - we are not on-line yet
as the company needs 3 days to fine tune the connection. This will be a
huge jump into the 21st century.

Pray as I travel to Chiange tomorrow to try and get the school books for the
primary school - school started in Feb but the government still hasn't been
able to distribute the books. We heard that the books had arrived at the
county seat so I'm off tomorrow. As you think of Chiange please continue to
pray for Jacob and Maria Herculano and their outreach to the Ovangambwe

Please continue to pray for the funds needed for finish paying for the 130 -
the actual vehicle is paid for just shipping and spare parts due!

THANKS for your giving and praying!
Donna for us

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