Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some of our adventures of May- June 2010

Gee Mom, I was some water too! The elephants love the fresh water that comes from the pipe.

What an amazing sight! Leopard - best sighting we've had in 20 years!

The Secretary Bird is an awesome creature - we saw this one at Etosha but we do have them in Angola.

Ladies Bible & Literacy Study group at Tchincombe (Cristina, Segunda, Cipungeiwo, Palmira, Donna, Teresa, Mwecicilia)

Brenda and Brandon driving the Kanga!

Everyone lends a hand - packaging the mince.

Brandon enters into the adventure of getting meat into the freezer! You can see why I love shopping in Windhoek or USA at the meat counters!

Turning meat into mince (in southern Africa it's mince not hamburger)

Many years of planning and work! MAF lands at Tchincombe!

Awaken visits Tchincombe! Luke, Eric, Meera, & Janess bring greetings. A 3 language service! English to Portguese (Donna) to Olungambwe (Alfredo).

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