WHEW! SLC 2009 is an historical fact! We hope that all that we heard and did will be a part of who we are becoming. Pastor Abias gave excellent talks – not easy ones – about The Church, The Mission, and Evangelism. There are many things to think of and pray about as we look at how we do missions and how we can get the WHOLE church (i.e. the Body of Christ) involved in Evangelism!
We’ve spent the last few days taking things down (meeting tent, eating tables, latrines etc.) and putting things away. Today is the first day that’s been a more normal day! And we are beginning to feel rested.
It’s now Saturday and we do feel rested! Stir, Jeffrey and Meghan are reloading ammunition – my family the hunters!
Tomorrow is Embondwe. There is a team from Tchincombe Church going but not us this time! Please pray for God’s word to penetrate hearts! Stirling and a smaller team will be going to the Bicuar preaching point. We heard from our workers that the Bicuar game guards gave a word of thanks over national radio to the “fazendeiros” (farmers) who have been encouraging them!
The UIEA national leadership is traveling this week to Catota to inaugurate the newly rebuilt Catota Mission hospital – the provincial government built this hospital with the desire that the medical department of the UIEA will help to staff and run it. So please pray for doctors, nurses – both Angolan and expatriate!!! Pray for Pastor Chiquete, Pastor Zebedeu, Dagmar Henchoz (SIM field leader), Dr. Henriksen and others who are traveling!
September is looming big in my mind! Meghan and I will travel to the USA on 18 September to be there for 2 months. Stirling’s Mum is still progressing well after her crises a few months back. But Stirling’s Dad has a left sided weakness that is progressing – the doctors can’t explain exactly why. He’s had loads of tests but nothing shows up to explain the weakness. He’s had several falls lately and so now they are in the process of getting a wheelchair for him. Please PRAY for Dad & Mum Foster to have peace of heart and mind in this time when their bodies will not cooperate! If the funds should come available Stirling and Jeffrey would like very much to travel to the USA for part of the time we are there!
It really feels like winter here today! Yesterday’s high was 73.5ºF! Right now it is only 60°F and there is a cool breeze blowing! Brrrrr! I know some of you in the North are laughing – for you it would be Spring but for us it’s cold! Tutyiale just came over and he’s got on his big jacket!
Pray too for the Fox family! It’s hard to have all their one time support and still need monthly support! They are planning to go for 3 months of training in September. It means they leave their current job. In these uncertain economic times they are not assured of a job to come back to! Yet how to live and leave for Portugal without full support!
Thanks so much for praying with us!
In Him,
Donna for all of us!
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