Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hi!! Two things!

Hi!! Two things!

Forgot to mention one thing important about this year’s UIEA General Assembly - a new president will be nominated and elected – please pray for the whole process and that just the right man will be chosen!

Last e-mail we mentioned the need for fencing/piping – we are NOT asking for money but for PRAYER!

There are two options:

PRAY for buyers for the cattle that we have to sell!! OR

PRAY about the bank loan we have applied to receive: In an earlier e-mail we wrote about the fact that we had applied for a loan from the bank – despite filling out the forms and being asked further questions the bank has not come back to us! Tchincombe being owned by a Church doesn’t fall into the bank’s usual customer profile!

There is a third option – and only the Lord knows what it might be! He does work out things in ways we do not understand!

THANKS for standing with us in PRAYER!

In Him,


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