Greetings from Tchincombe! The gray/brown landscape of the cold, dry season has begun to be sprinkled with vibrant greens, whites and pale reds as the trees & bushes respond to the hot, dry season! Temps are rising – the heat is on! We are definitely longing for the rain! Our young stock especially need some nice new grass – please pray for rain!!
Stir went to Lubango yesterday and is driving the 12 hour trip to Menongue today for a week of General Assembly meetings. (It’s only 500km).
Please pray for wisdom and patience as reports are given and things discussed. Pray too for a spirit of unity, enthusiasm and joy. That God’s will will be everyone’s top priority!
This is slightly pessimistic but I’m waiting for something to break down – you know how it goes! Let the husband go away and something always breaks! Pray that I will let my breath out and relax!!
THANKSGIVING - Our friend, Brent from MAF, was here for a week. He and Stir accomplished quite a lot. They put the HF in the brown car (so we can be in communication with Stir from Menongue), got the 4 wheeler going so it can be used for outreach at the corrals and made a drag from old tractor tires to help level out the airstrip that Jerry cleared. Brent also got our dryer going and even put a light in the laundry room! (The dryer was donated from the USA to friends working in Namibia – but Namibia is 220v and the dryer is 110v; Brent heard of it and told them that we had a 110v system at our house – so now we have a dryer!)
Pray for the $156,000 we need to buy fencing and to buy 10 km of water piping!
We have cut our workforce by 30% so that we could raise pay for the workers that stayed. Pray for us to be able to encourage and motivate the workers. Pray for those that aren’t followers of Jesus that they will see their need of Him!
Pray for those workers who were let go that they will be able to find other work!
Ongoing requests:
Last weekend of month – meetings at Imbondwe – the children and I will be going on Saturday – we will take a team from here.
Every Wednesday – ladies’ meeting – we are studying the catechism in Olungambwe!
Every Sunday afternoon – literacy class
Pray for a Bible in Olumhuila/Olungambwe!!
Pray for a teacher for the kids!
THANKS so much for your love and prayers!!!!
Donna for all of us!