Thursday, May 29, 2008

Greetings from Tchincombe!

Note NEW E-MAIL ADDRESSes!! , or

the will be discontinued soon!! Please change!!

Thanks for praying for the meetings at Imbondwe! There was a good crowd on Saturday night – but it was COLD watching a movie out of doors! On Sunday morning there were about 60 people. A few older people so that’s nice. Please CONTINUE to PRAY that God’s Word and His Spirit would work and that folk would ponder all that they hear and CHOOSE life!

Pray for Kambwela and Fatima – they are a married couple here at Tchincombe – neither believers – they are having major marital issues. Seems that mothers-in-law on both sides don’t like the match so it’s more than just their personal issues – pray for wisdom and discernment.

Pray too for Kandendele and Tualele – they too are having marital problems. He’s a Believer. She is not.
Pray as we counsel with these two couples.

Pray for new churches and supporters for the Fox family!

Pray for SLC 2008 (June 23-27) which is here at Tchincombe – we will be at least 50 people – pray for refreshment and renewal.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!



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