Friday, March 14, 2008

slipping and sliding

Dear Friends,


We made it into Lubango yesterday BUT it took us 6 1/2 hours instead of the
usual 4!! It rained most of the way - there was quite a bit of slipping and

The funeral was at the noon hour - there were masses of people - Sr.
Fernando was well known and the words used to describe his life were dynamic
and generous. The priest who did the service did a very good job of telling
of the hope we have through the death and resurrection of Christ. This is
the 4 death in the Portuguese/Angolan farming community - pray for hearts to
seek and search for the real meaning of life!

We are going to the coast tomorrow to spend the weekend camping in the sun
and sand - it will be a much welcome rest. On Monday the kids will return
to Lubango with friends. Stir and I will stay go on into the port town of
Namib to hopefully get the container out of customs. Please pray that
things would go well & quickly with officials and paperwork - we're always
anxious to get back to Tchincombe!

THANKS again for your participation in this ministry through your giving and

Donna for all of us!

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